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Shanghai Changhui Automation Engineering Co., Ltd.

What should we pay attention to in standard constant temperature and humidity laboratory engineering?



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What should we pay attention to in standard constant temperature and humidity laboratory engineering?

Date:2019-02-21 Author: Click:

  In order to improve the quality of products greatly, many enterprises have built their own constant temperature and humidity laboratories to ensure that the production of products conforms to industry standards. In view of the fact that the laboratory is a scientific research occasion, there are many local needs to pay attention to standardizing the design and construction of the constant temperature and humidity laboratory project. So, what are the local requirements for attention in the process of construction and design? Today, let's look at some of the things we need to be aware of.

1. Selection of suitable information and construction technology

According to professionals, many enterprises have built standard constant temperature and humidity laboratories, but the life and safety of these laboratories are not good, the main reason is that they chose the wrong engineering materials and construction technology. For example, when choosing test-bed data in the laboratory, they are not using good heat and corrosion resistance ceramic materials or epoxy resin plates, nor solid core or veneer physical and chemical plates, but using general test-bed data. Little wonder, in the harsh simulated environment such as high temperature, humidity and heat, the use of these data is easy to happen unexpectedly, once the accident happens, it will be threatened. Safety to operators and laboratories.

Constant Temperature and Humidity Laboratory

  2. Achieving Safety and Protection Work in Position

In order to ensure the safe operation of the normative constant temperature and humidity laboratory project in the future, various fire extinguishers, active fire patrol and other fire fighting equipment must be well equipped during the construction so as to cope with the fire in the test process. Of course, the most important thing is to establish their awareness of fire safety, so that every engineer and tester can produce safely and test safely.

In addition, the normative constant temperature and humidity laboratory project should also determine the fixed point periodic inspection measures, through regular inspection to find hidden dangers, deal with hidden dangers, to ensure the safety and orderly construction of the whole project.



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