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Shanghai Changhui Automation Engineering Co., Ltd.

Analysis of Laboratory Fire Common Knowledge



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Analysis of Laboratory Fire Common Knowledge

Date:2019-02-21 Author: Click:

The laboratory should prepare various fire extinguishers and fire fighting sand, asbestos cloth, blankets and other fire fighting supplies, and should regularly check to keep them in standby condition. If the fire is caught carelessly in the process of experiment, it should be extinguished immediately with wet cloth or asbestos cloth, sand isobaric cover, and cut off the power supply to close the gas valve. Sand can extinguish incineration caused by any substance. If the clothes are on fire, they should be covered with blankets and other things immediately. They should not run in a hurry to increase the flame. A fire should be reported immediately.

Extinguishing agent

Availability of fire type prohibition

Water and dense flow

Remedy for general fires

Water-repellent items such as potassium, sodium and calcium carbide; lighter and immiscible flammable liquids than water; electrical appliances must be powered off before they can be used for fire.

Shanghai Changhui Automation Engineering Co., Ltd.


Suitable for oil fire

It is inefficient to dissolve the flammable liquid in water; the electric fire must be cut off before making the foam extinguisher, potassium, sodium, magnesium powder and so on.

Carbon dioxide

Suitable for electrical appliances, precision instruments, flammable liquids, oxidants and other fire

It is inefficient to dissolve the flammable liquid in water; the electric fire must be cut off before making the foam extinguisher, potassium, sodium, magnesium powder and so on.

carbon tetrachloride

Suitable for electrical fire

In addition to the above requirements, calcium carbide, acetylene, carbon disulfide (phosgene with carbon tetrachloride) will gradually be replaced by "1211" and dry powder.

dry powder

Applicable to remedy the initial fire of oil, combustible gas, electrical equipment and incinerated articles in water.

1211 (CF2ClBr difluoro-monochloro-bromomethane)

Excellent fire extinguishing agent, suitable for oil, organic solvents, precision instruments, high-voltage electrical equipment and other fire



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