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Shanghai Changhui Automation Engineering Co., Ltd.

Types of Humidity System and Concepts of Relative Temperature and Humidity Test Box



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Types of Humidity System and Concepts of Relative Temperature and Humidity Test Box

Date:2019-02-21 Author: Click:

        Relative humidity is undoubtedly a complex and easily misunderstood concept among all the concepts related to environmental test boxes. With a range of climate chambers available, such as thermal shock chambers, vacuum chambers, industrial ovens, salt spray chambers, cryogenic chambers, and approval chambers, it is necessary to understand the concepts that will help you make the right decisions.

Humidity is not an independent fixed temperature, but a variable value at a given temperature. Let's look at an example to better understand the situation. The moisture content in the air at 68 degrees F and 50% humidity is not equal to 50 degrees F and 50% RH. As the temperature rises, its ability to retain water decreases. According to experience, it can be concluded that the lower the temperature of the air, the higher the humidity of the air, because there is a certain amount of water vapor in the air.

Shanghai Changhui Automation Engineering Co., Ltd.

       Humidity and its limitations are important concepts because manufacturers use instructions to describe the operating conditions of the humidity environment. If the limit set by the manufacturer is exceeded during operation, the refrigeration system will be damaged. In order to prompt users to effectively use and maintain the product.

Humidity system type:

There are three types of humidity system in the environment room: boiler/steam generator, water bath or pan, atomization system.



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